Welcome to Transpose A Cappella's official website!

Transpose A Cappella is a community a cappella group based in Salem, OR, whose membership consists entirely of singers who fall under the trans/nonbinary umbrella. The world of singing is often heavily gendered, and thus can be unhospitable for those of us whose voices don't line up with peoples' expectations of what someone of our gender is supposed to sound like. Transpose A Cappella seeks to provide a space specifically for trans singers to sing and perform cool songs together without fear of being arbitrarily gendered according to our voice type.

Sound good? Awesome! We think so too. Now to address the elephant in the room...

Transpose A Cappella doesn't exist yet!!!!!!!!!

What!? I know, lame, right? At the time of this writing, Transpose is still but a twinkle in our eye. But you can help us get off the ground! Biggest thing we need? Numbers. There are only two of us right now, and that is simply not enough people for a vocal ensemble. Not only that, but neither of us have the music knowledge required to direct a group like this. So, if you're in Salem, OR or somewhere nearby, go ahead and e-mail us at transposeacappella@gmail.com

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